The obstinacy of the indolent and weak is less conquerable than that of the fiery and bold. Johann Kaspar Lavater More Quotes by Johann Kaspar Lavater More Quotes From Johann Kaspar Lavater Have I done aught of value to my fellow-men? Then have I done much for myself. Johann Kaspar Lavater done fellow-man men In the society of ladies, want of sense is not so unpardonable as want of manners. Johann Kaspar Lavater want manners As a man's salutations, so is the total of his character; in nothing do we lay ourselves so open as in our manner of meeting and salutation. Johann Kaspar Lavater manners character men A beautiful smile is to the female countenance what the sunbeam is to the landscape; it embellishes an inferior face and redeems an ugly one. Johann Kaspar Lavater ugly female beautiful Softness of smile indicates softness of character. Johann Kaspar Lavater softness character What is the elevation of the soul? A prompt, delicate, certain feeling for all that is beautiful, all that is grand; a quick resolution to do the greatest good by the smallest means; a great benevolence joined to a great strength and great humility. Johann Kaspar Lavater humility beautiful mean Who values gold above all, considers all else as trifling. Johann Kaspar Lavater trifling values gold Each particle of matter is an immensity, each leaf a world, each insect an inexplicable compendium. Johann Kaspar Lavater inexplicable matter world Women are proverbially credulous. Johann Kaspar Lavater trust The man who loves with his whole heart truth will love still more he who suffers for truth. Johann Kaspar Lavater truth heart men Trust him little who praise all, him less who censures all and him least who is indifferent about all. Johann Kaspar Lavater indifference trust littles He who attempts to make others believe in means which he himself despises is a puffer; he who makes use of more means than he knows to be necessary is a quack; and he who ascribes to those means a greater efficacy than his own experience warrants is an impostor. Johann Kaspar Lavater deceit mean believe Who affects useless singularities has surely a little mind. Johann Kaspar Lavater useless mind littles Weaknesses, so called, are nothing more nor less than vice in disguise! Johann Kaspar Lavater disguise weakness vices Words are the wings of actions. Johann Kaspar Lavater action wings The ambitious sacrifices all to what he terms honor, as the miser all to money. Johann Kaspar Lavater sacrifice ambition honor He also has energy who cannot be deprived of it. Johann Kaspar Lavater deprived energy A sneer is often the sign of heartless malignity. Johann Kaspar Lavater sneer heartless Vociferation and calmness of character seldom meet in the same person. Johann Kaspar Lavater calmness persons character Many very intelligent agreeable persons have warts on the forehead, not brown, nor very large, between the eyebrows, which have nothing in them offensive or disgusting. - But a large brown wart on the upper lip, especially when it is bristly, will be found in no person who is not defective in something essential, or at least remarkable for some conspicuous failing. Johann Kaspar Lavater lips eyebrows intelligent