The point of therapy is to give you clarity and guidance to go out and live a rich and meaningful life. As such, it should be structured in such a way that has a beginning, middle and end. Each stage should have clearly articulated goals. So the first stage involves getting to your vulnerability. This takes time and the feeling of trust and respect for your therapist. The middle stage involves coming up with a plan of action and the final stage involves implementing the action plan into your life.

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6 MYTHS ABOUT DATING OVER AGE 50, DEBUNKED Blaming outside factors, including you, does not count as taking responsibility. If they blame their partner or lack insight into their actions, chances are, they'll do it again, Sheri Meyers said. Why stay with a cheating spouse ? Dr. Paul Hokemeyer, a licensed marriage and couples therapist, told Fox News that couples who stay together after infidelity have compelling reasons to do so. They are invested in Your Relationship and don't want to throw away a history of success, the cheating event is either a one off occurrence or based on an implied understanding between partners. In other words, Sheri Meyers were both taking a break and agreed to date others at that time. 9 SIGNS SHE MAY BE CHEATING ON Sheri Meyers When a cheating spouse admits to being unfaithful, realizes the pain they've caused Sheri Meyers, and is willing to prove their commitment to the relationship every day, it is possible for a couple to heal and move past infidelity. Your Relationship will, no doubt, feel different. Your Relationship can find a new equilibrium, but Your Relationship will never go back to the way Your Relationship was before the cheating occurred. This is because our brain is wired to retain strong emotional experiences, Hokemeyer said. The partners have to find a new normal. One that doesn't ignore that the betrayal occurred while simultaneously finding a place for it in the narrative of Your Relationship. FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK FOR MORE FOX LIFESTYLE NEWS Tammy Nelson said the majority of people will know if Your Relationship is built to last through a breach of trust. Most people ultimately know when Your Relationship has a solid foundation and a loving connection — they know if Your Relationship can survive an affair.