There's certainly no doubt that commercialism has entered classical music to such a degree that almost no one seems to care anymore about the physical and mental health of the performer. Stephen Hough More Quotes by Stephen Hough More Quotes From Stephen Hough Few occupations pass the solitary hours more fruitfully than the playing of a musical instrument. Stephen Hough musical-instrument pass playing more In anything, there has to be that moment of fasting, really, in order to enjoy the feast. Stephen Hough feast anything moment enjoy Silence is the necessary soil for any thought to flourish. Stephen Hough necessary thought soil silence I wanted to be a monk at some time in my life, or a priest, so there was a kind of reflex quite early on not to be attached to anything that might be taken away. Stephen Hough my-life some time life Out of silence is born concentration, and from that comes learning. Stephen Hough concentration born learning silence The daily glitter of skyscrapers competing with the stars is an unnecessary, unforgivable decadence. Stephen Hough skyscrapers daily glitter stars Live in the present moment. The past and future are nonexistent. Only the present can be grasped or, better, embraced. Stephen Hough better moment future past Traveling the road can be quite tiresome. Stephen Hough traveling quite road tiresome Life is an incurable disease leading to death, but it's also an unrequested gift, which, if we can manage to keep giving it away to others, can keep giving back everything to us. Stephen Hough gift giving life death I've twice been on the point of giving up my performing career to train for the priesthood. Stephen Hough career giving-up train giving Most people are at a concert because they want to be inspired, entertained, moved; we musicians have the mission to be bringers of joy, of ecstasy. Stephen Hough musicians mission joy people The Internet tempts us to think that because an email or a new website can be accessed in seconds that everything works at the same instant speed. Art is more like the growth of a plant. It needs time and space. Stephen Hough internet growth time art Food waste is an atrocity that is reducible, if not completely avoidable. Stephen Hough atrocity waste food I'd never thought about living in London until about 1999. Stephen Hough never thought living london I have had a place in New York in the musicians' district on the Upper West Side since 1986. Stephen Hough musicians new place new-york If you are not living in the same area when you are looking for property, it is a nightmare because you come down for a day or two, have appointments to see places, and have to be able to make instant decisions before flying off to St. Louis or somewhere. Stephen Hough looking down day you I've always written - about music, art, things going on around the world. The danger is that it becomes too personal. I don't think people want it at that level of intimacy. Stephen Hough music people world art My principal commitment is playing the piano. But I always loved words. Stephen Hough loved words principal commitment Painting is just a hobby. I really don't think of it much more than that. But writing music and writing words... my life would feel as if it had a big hole if I took those away. Stephen Hough words my-life music life I don't think of faith as something that's like a rock, that never changes. I think it's something that's very fluid, always changing. Stephen Hough never think always faith