Throughout [Barack] Obama's career, he promised to limit the state secrets doctrine which the Bush-Cheney administration had abused enormously. Nat Hentoff More Quotes by Nat Hentoff More Quotes From Nat Hentoff I am hesitant to say this about [Barack] Obama. Obama is a bad man in terms of the Constitution. Nat Hentoff constitutiontermmen [Barack Obama to be] much worse [than George W. Bush]. Nat Hentoff barack [Barack Obama's ] only principle is his own aggrandizement. This is a very dangerous mindset for a president to have. Nat Hentoff mindsetprinciplespresident [Barack] Obama seems to have no firm principles that I can discern that he will adhere to. Nat Hentoff firmbarackprinciples The [George W.] Bush administration would go into court on any kind of a case that they thought might embarrass them and would argue that it was a state secret and the case should not be continued.[Barack] Obama is doing the same thing, even though he promised not to. Nat Hentoff administrationsecretmight [Barack Obama] pledged to end torture, but he has continued the CIA renditions where you kidnap people and send them to another country to be interrogated. Nat Hentoff endscountrypeople [George W.] Bush was led astray and we were led astray. Nat Hentoff You see that in his foreign policy [Barack] Obama lacks a backbone - both a constitutional backbone and a personal backbone. Nat Hentoff foreign-policybackbonepolicy I say personally because I am 84 years old, and [Barack Obama's] is the first administration that has scared me in terms of my lifespan. Nat Hentoff administrationyearsfirsts If the American people have their health care paid for by the government, depending on their age and their condition, they will be subject to a health commission just like in England which will decide if their lives are worth living much longer. Nat Hentoff governmentagepeople A woman in the audience asked [Barack] Obama about her mother. Her mother was 101 years old and was in need of a certain kind of procedure. Her doctor didn't want to do it because of her age. However, another doctor did and told this woman there is a joy of life in this person. The woman asked President Obama how he would deal with this sort of thing, and Obama said we cannot consider the joy of life in this situation. He said I would advise her to take a pain killer. That is the essence of the President of the United States. Nat Hentoff painmotheryears Under the British healthcare system, there is a commission that decides whether or not, based on your age and physical condition, the government should continue to pay for your health. Nat Hentoff governmentagepay An example is ObamaCare, which is now embattled in the Senate. If that goes through the way [Barack] Obama wants, we will have something very much like the British system. Nat Hentoff obamacareexamplewant That term was used with hyperbole about the parts of the health care bill where doctors are mandated, if people are on Medicare and of a certain age or in serious physical condition, to counsel them on their end-of-life alternatives. I don't believe that was a death panel. Nat Hentoff doctorsbelievepeople [Barack Obama] is a man who is causing us and will cause us a great deal of harm constitutionally and personally. Nat Hentoff harmcausesmen [Barack] Obama has little, if any, principles except to aggrandize and make himself more and more important. Nat Hentoff importantprincipleslittles I'd pick - my father would bring home about six newspapers. We had 10 in Boston at the time. Nat Hentoff bostonhomefather I've I call [Cardinal John O'Connor] from time to time and he calls me. And when I think there's something he ought to think about doing, I call him and he usually does it. Nat Hentoff cardinalsdoethinking What's wrong with it is, it lowers, to say the least, the credibility of the magazine. And if I were writing for [The New Republic ], I would feel diminished because the owner had done such a thing [fire a journalist]. Nat Hentoff donefirewriting I wrote the column. I - you know, - the column simply said that [Clay] Felker is destroying this paper. And I heard that he was about ready to fire me, but two other people on The Voice interceded and, fortunately, he had a very short attention span, so I wasn't fired. Nat Hentoff voicefiretwo