To be silent is to be complicit. Richard Edelman More Quotes by Richard Edelman More Quotes From Richard Edelman I think we have moved from a shareholder society to a stakeholder society, and that has massive implications. Richard Edelman moved thinking Business really has to work its way back. It has to re-earn the trust of its broad sets of constituents. Richard Edelman PR got to be much bigger because of the emergence of digital media. Now we have hundreds of people who are, in a sense, manning embassies for Facebook and Twitter for brands. So the business in effect has morphed from pitching stories to traditional media, to working with bloggers, Twitter, Facebook and other social media, and then putting good content up on owned websites. Richard Edelman website social-media people There must be a new compact between company and individual, where companies demonstrate that innovations are safe based on independent research, provide both societal and personal benefit and are committed to the protection of customer data. Richard Edelman world CEOs who boldly lean into fulfilling the dual mandate of earning profits and providing societal benefits will find a receptive public. Richard Edelman lean find will who The short form, speed, and consistency of communication by Trump beat Clinton's nuanced, detailed, and long-form communication. Trump came across as more genuine, Clinton as less than transparent. Trump engaged directly with his community; Clinton spoke through the media in a careful and less frequent manner. Richard Edelman consistency communication community The lack of societal and institutional safeguards provides fertile ground for populist movements fueled by fear. Richard Edelman lack ground populist fear In our family business, the Edelman children must earn their way - there were and will be no promises without performance and leadership. That may lead to some skinned knees, but it is certainly the best way to learn life lessons. Richard Edelman best family leadership life PR is premised on truth, trust, and transparency. Richard Edelman transparency trust truth Companies need to be very active in formulating public policy - not as a substitute for government, but as a supplement. Richard Edelman need policy active government Mainstream media has been abandoned by many, for ideological reasons mostly, and brands need to directly engage with the end-user of information and offer opportunities for consumer- and employee-generated content. Richard Edelman opportunities need information media Our goal is to put news where it earns attention, where readers can access it on every device and interact with it. We're meeting our clients' audiences where they are instead of asking them to come to us. Increasingly, that means hosting the content on social blogging sites like Medium. Richard Edelman meeting news clients attention Walter Isaacson attracts the best and the brightest to Aspen. It is exhilarating to listen to the likes of David Rubenstein and constitutional scholar Jeffrey Rosen speak about George Washington and Newt Gingrich and the original intent of the Second Amendment. Richard Edelman amendment listen best speak Institutions are better served by going direct to end users, establishing a channel for direct dialogue and feedback. It is a world of many to one, not one to many. Richard Edelman end better feedback world Companies should take advantage of social media's power to connect, but honor the continued role of media in shaping opinion. Richard Edelman opinion media power honor We have moved beyond the point of trust being simply a key factor in product purchase or selection of employment opportunity; it is now the deciding factor in whether a society can function. Richard Edelman being trust society opportunity As trust in institutions erodes, the basic assumptions of fairness, shared values, and equal opportunity traditionally upheld by 'the system' are no longer taken for granted. Richard Edelman assumptions values trust opportunity I want Edelman to remain a family business. Richard Edelman family-business family business want In many cases, companies use the crisis moments to pivot to do better. We like to be part of that. Richard Edelman better like crisis moments Business has to stand up on behalf of its employees, on behalf of immigration, on behalf of its customers, and on behalf of supply chain-cum-globalization. Richard Edelman stand-up employees stand business