Try something. And never be afraid to fail. That failure is useful too. It's just another building block. Ricky Gervais More Quotes by Ricky Gervais More Quotes From Ricky Gervais There's no difference between fame and infamy now. There's a new school of professional famous people that don't do anything. They don't create anything. Ricky Gervais humorinspirationschool I know how much embarrassment hurts, and I love it as a theme because you can keep digging a hole. It's just an endless well, embarrassment. Ricky Gervais embarrassmenthurtdigging-a-hole I can't stand it. I can't stand someone being embarrassed. I don't know why. If someone slips over and the first thing they do is look around, I pretend I haven't seen it. Ricky Gervais embarrassedlooksfirsts No one wants to see cool people doing brilliantly. I want to see the struggle. That's the fun bit. Ricky Gervais strugglefunpeople If you're surrounded by idiots, you're the unpopular one and the odd one out because idiots don't like smart asses. Ricky Gervais odd-oneidiotsmart Being honest is what counts. To make the ordinary extraordinary is so much better than starting with the extraordinary. Ricky Gervais ordinary-extraordinarystartinghonest I don't think a comedian should even be concerned with being cool or sexy, as soon as you do, you aren't a comedian any more. Looks are still the most important thing for women when it comes to meeting a partner. And that's fair enough, but a sense of humour is really important too. For starters, it's a great indicator of whether you are going to get on. If the first time you go on a date you don't find each other funny, there's a fundamental problem. Ricky Gervais comediansexythinking The only reason I work out is so I can eat more cheese. Ricky Gervais cheesework-outreason Thank you God for making me an atheist. Ricky Gervais thank-you-godatheist I like my baths really deep and hot. But washing everything only takes a few minutes. So I thought it would be a waste to just flush all that water away. So there was nothing else to do but take pictures of myself trying to look as horrendous as possible. Oh my, what have I started? Ricky Gervais wastetryingwater My favourite shows of the year are House of Cards, the Scandinavian versions of The Killing and The Bridge, and my guilty pleasure is everything MMA. Ultimate Fighter is amazing. Ricky Gervais mmabridgesyears Do unto others…’ is a good rule of thumb. I live by that. Forgiveness is probably the greatest virtue there is. But that’s exactly what it is - a virtue. Not just a Christian virtue. No one owns being good. I’m good. I just don’t believe I’ll be rewarded for it in heaven. My reward is here and now. It’s knowing that I try to do the right thing. That I lived a good life. And that’s where spirituality really lost its way. When it became a stick to beat people with. ‘Do this or you’ll burn in hell.’ You won’t burn in hell. But be nice anyway. Ricky Gervais good-lifenicechristian People think "The Office" was improvised, but it's all on the page. We do that because what we found is that in the early days of "The Office," we went in with it sort of 80 percent scripted and we did some things and then we improv'd and we did - you know, and it gets a laugh on the floor because it's the first time they've heard it. Ricky Gervais laughingpeoplethinking When you get back into the editing suite in the cold light of day, the written stuff is better. Ricky Gervais lighteditingstuff Celebrities, make it harder for hackers to get nude pics of you from your computer by not putting nude pics of yourself on the computer. Ricky Gervais hackershardercomputer If you walked around like David Bowie in 1973 in Reading, you'd get beaten up. The 1970s in a small town was more like the 1950s.. and that's the truth. The backdrop was probably Victorian. Ricky Gervais small-towntownsreading I never understood redemption when I was young. Even before I was an atheist, I always thought with the prodigal son, "well, why's he getting the special treatment?" Ricky Gervais atheistspecialson I'm not a film snob at all. I much prefer a really good Hollywood blockbuster than a thought-provoking art house movie because entertainment is sort of where it's at. Ricky Gervais thought-provokinghouseart It's interesting that music in this country... we sort of sold something to America with The Beatles and they sold something back. And we've never been afraid to embrace American style rock 'n' roll and make it our own over here. Ricky Gervais rockscountryamerica If David Brent is the best thing that I ever come up with, then so be it. What are you supposed to do, time the best thing you do for just before you die? Ricky Gervais best-thingscome-updies