We, the one's who are challenged, need to be heard. To be seen not as a disability, but as a person who has, and will continue to bloom. To be seen not only as a handicap, but as a well intact human being. Robert M. Hensel More Quotes by Robert M. Hensel More Quotes From Robert M. Hensel No scale to balance, what's in my heart. Robert M. Hensel heart numbers love Placing one foot in front of the other, I've climbed to higher lengths. Reaching beyond my own limitations, to show my inner strength. No obstacle too hard, for this warrior to overcome. I'm just a man on a mission, to prove my disability hasn't won. Robert M. Hensel warrior adversity strength He who dares to speak with a razor sharp tongue, shall in end, bare the final scar. Robert M. Hensel tongue finals razors No disability or dictionary out there, is capable of clearly defining who we are as a person. Robert M. Hensel disability who-we-are defining A single man of one, only pebbles can be moved, but many men together, stands no mountain that can't move. Robert M. Hensel together men moving I don't have a dis-ability, I have a different-ability. Robert M. Hensel disability ability different Tears are the body's raindrops of emotion. Robert M. Hensel raindrops tears sorrow Take a good hard look in the mirror, and remember yourself as you are today, cause as time changes, so does the scenery. Robert M. Hensel mirrors change doe A positive attitude, can turn a storm into a sprinkle. Robert M. Hensel storm motivation attitude Build your world around me, and promise to never let me go, and if ever their comes a time it may seem crowded, may we expand so love may grow. Robert M. Hensel sweet love promise No one has ever died, from an overexposure to education. Robert M. Hensel overexposure literacy education One is more desirable when loved, not feared. Robert M. Hensel desirable love Life isn't all about what you don't have, but yet, what you do with what you have been given. Robert M. Hensel has-beens given life Structure builds minds into great Monuments. Robert M. Hensel structure mind ideas Dare to walk the path that others have feared to travel, and a leader shall then be born. Robert M. Hensel born leader path A brush of kindness can paint a smile on a face. Robert M. Hensel faces kindness inspirational In order for us to reach success, we must first find, the ladder. Robert M. Hensel ladders success order Hands of time move us forward, never back. Only memories frozen in mind, can we re-enact. Robert M. Hensel memories hands moving Success is measured simply by the amount of effort we put forth, in conquering our objectives. Robert M. Hensel perserverance perseverance effort When the heart speaks, love listens. Robert M. Hensel listening heart love