What one generation tolerates, the next generation will embrace. John Wesley More Quotes by John Wesley More Quotes From John Wesley Untold millions are still untold. John Wesley missions motto missionary Wherever riches have increased, the essence of religion has decreased in the same proportion. John Wesley riches proportion essence The greater the share the people have in government, the less liberty, civil or religious, does a nation enjoy. John Wesley government religious people Get all you can without hunting your soul, your body, or your neighbor. Save all you can, cutting off every needless expense. Give all you can. Be glad to give, and ready to distribute; laying up in store for yourselves a good foundation against the time to come, that you may attain eternal life. John Wesley hunting cutting life I want the whole Christ for my Savior, the whole Bible for my book, the whole Church for my fellowship, and the whole world for my mission field. John Wesley church want book When you set yourself on fire, people love to come and see you burn. John Wesley passion fire people If I had 300 men who feared nothing but God, hated nothing but sin, and were determined to know nothing among men but Jesus Christ and Him crucified, I would set the world on fire. John Wesley fire men jesus Money never stays with me. It would burn me if it did. I throw it out of my hands as soon as possible, lest it should find its way into my heart. John Wesley heart hands way The readiest way to escape from our sufferings is, to be willing they should endure as long as God pleases. John Wesley suffering long way God does nothing except in response to believing prayer. John Wesley prayer doe believe It is no marvel that the devil does not love field preaching! Neither do I; I love a commodious room, a soft cushion, a handsome pulpit. But where is my zeal if I do not trample all these underfoot in order to save one more soul? John Wesley soul order religion Wine, one of the noblest cordials in nature. John Wesley wine cooking food I want to know one thing, the way to heaven; how to land safe on that happy shore. God Himself has condescended to teach the way; for this end He came from heaven. He hath written it down in a book. Give me that book! At any price give me the Book of God! John Wesley land bible book Give me one hundred men who love only God with all their heart and hate only sin with all their heart and we will shake the gates of hell and bring in the kingdom of God in one generation. John Wesley hate heart men It cannot be that the people should grow in grace unless they give themselves to reading. A reading people will always be a knowing people. John Wesley knowing reading people Is it not common to say to a child, 'Put your finger in that candle, can you bear it even for one minute?' How then will you bear Hell-fire? Surely it would be torment enough to have the flesh burnt off from only one finger; what then will it be to have the whole body plunged into a lake of fire, burning with brimstone? John Wesley fire lakes children Every one, though born of God in an instant, yet undoubtedly grows by slow degrees. John Wesley degrees born christian Unless God has raised you up for this very thing, you will be worn out by the opposition of men and devils. But if God be for you, who can be against you? Are all of them together stronger than God? O be not weary of well doing! John Wesley persistence devil men All that a Christian does, even in eating and sleeping, is prayer, when it is done in simplicity, according to the order of God, without either adding to or diminishing from it by his own choice. John Wesley prayer christian sleep Oh that God would give me the thing which I long for! That before I go hence and am no more seen, I may see a people wholly devoted to God, crucified to the world, and the world crucified to them. A people truly given up to God in body, soul and substance! How cheerfully would I then say, 'Now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace.' John Wesley giving long people