Words cannot express the joy which a friend imparts. Saint John Chrysostom More Quotes by Saint John Chrysostom More Quotes From Saint John Chrysostom Intemperance is a hydra with a hundred heads. She never stalks abroad unaccompanied with impurity, anger, and the most infamous profligacies. Saint John Chrysostom hydra stalking infamous Make account that thou hast done nothing, and then thou hast done all. For if, being sinners, when we account ourselves to be what we are, we become righteous, as indeed the Publican did; how much more, when being righteous we account ourselves to be sinners. Saint John Chrysostom righteous done humility It is folly to abstain all day long from food, but fail to abstain from sin and selfishness. Saint John Chrysostom selfishness sin long Woman is a necessary evil, a natural temptation, a desirable calamity, a domestic peril, a deadly fascination, and a painted ill. Saint John Chrysostom scary temptation evil Let us not overlook so great a gain. Saint John Chrysostom alms gains Memory of our good works makes us negligent and leads to arrogance. Do not think of your good deeds, so that God may remember them. Saint John Chrysostom arrogance memories thinking Men have the power of thinking that they may avoid sin. Saint John Chrysostom may men thinking There are many poor men and poor women: set apart some one constantly to remain there: let the poor man be though but as a guard to thy house: let him be to thee wall and fence, shield and spear. Where alms are, the devil dares not approach, nor any other evil thing. Saint John Chrysostom wall evil men God measures out affliction to our need. Saint John Chrysostom affliction needs If you would rise, shun luxury, for luxury lowers and degrades. Saint John Chrysostom luxury inspiration faith I exhort and entreat you all, disregard what this man and that man thinks about these things, and inquire from the Scriptures all these things. Saint John Chrysostom christian bible men Feet were made, not given for dancing, but to walk modestly, not to leap impudently like camels. Saint John Chrysostom dancing dance feet I do not know whether anyone has ever succeeded in not enjoying praise. And, if we enjoy it, we naturally wants to receive it. And if we want to receive it, we cannot help but being distraught at losing it. Those who are in love with applause have their spirits starved not only when they are blamed off-hand, but even when they fail to be constantly praised. Saint John Chrysostom spirit want hands God does not forsake you. It is because he wishes to increase your glory that oftentimes he permits you to fall sick. Keep up your courage so that you may also hear him say: Do you think I have dealt with you otherwise than that you may be shown to be just? Saint John Chrysostom sick fall thinking And all men are ready to pass judgement on the priest as if he was not a being clothed with flesh, or one who inherited a human nature. Saint John Chrysostom human-nature flesh men Let us return from that Table like lions breathing out fire, terrifying to the devil! Saint John Chrysostom breathing catholic fire What shepherd feeds his sheep with his own blood? But Christ feeds us with His own Blood and in all things unites us to Himself. Saint John Chrysostom shepherds sheep blood Fasting is a medicine. Saint John Chrysostom fasting medicine Labor: a powerful medicine. Saint John Chrysostom medicine powerful labor The slave should be resigned to his lot, in obeying his master he is obeying God. Saint John Chrysostom obeying-god slave scary