1. All desires of materialism are meaningless because you will still turn into a toothless raisin. 2. A person who understands too much hears only tinnitus. 3. Karma needs chaos so that the power of karma never ends, so the unworthy get power. 4. A mixture of good and evil shows sincerity. 5. The rattle of insight. Fear is the umbilical cord of illusion. 6. Revenge is like gluttony, karma cholesterol rises. 7. Earthly hell his name is disappointing. You sink deeper and deeper into disappointment and inevitability. The richer you are, the deeper you fall asleep in the matrix of illusions, and you are very optimistic. The poorer the closer to pessimism, reality, God, you are awakened because you are outside the matrix. 8. Art is cannibalism in eating the emotions and suffering of the author. To feel the vital energy of feelings and this is the cannibalism of empathy. 9. There is nothing more cynical than an egg. 10. Music of feelings philosophy of music, you know in one word orgasm from you as if you did get a multi-orgasmic vibration of love that grows every second. Endless immersion in love, deeper and deeper in the subconscious, love intensifies and gives a powerful awareness. 11. The cyclical nature of the infinity of reincarnation and the wheel of samsara leads the matrix of illusions to the absolute madness of vicious childhood. 12. 1. Hypocrisy is a parody of culture and diplomacy. 2. Hate is tears, tears, tears. A shower of tears, so many people seem to be shadows. Author: Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

More Quotes by Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

jokes and here you are seventy and you are a pot for the mistress dancing like a jester, singing, I'm a storyteller of what to look for, I behave so that I can't be recognized. How to show a girl that she likes you? You look at her, you kiss your index and middle fingers, and you shoot her. Unusual greeting. Forefinger and middle finger, showing the piss sign, the bunny moves its ears. When you last recharged batteries (male eggs), alas, I'm aged, they don't see the pluses or minuses of life. Load the clip, I brought a girl to you. If a spider attacked you, he would drink you for a week, then he would die of cholesterol If you continue to live with your parents, you have less rights than a computer mouse. There is a conversation between father and son. How do I know what happened before the sperm. You also see a fairy riding a unicorn, no, hell, wrong pills again We will have sex, you want to bathe in her hot springs (squirt) The name of the laxative wonderful night, the apocalypse on the toilet, choose the soul The girl said sex with you is an unfinished joke What you slipped me was a polarizing agent, sodium peptatyl, so I drank chocolate schnapps with syrup She's great at manipulating you, she even has a driver's license He is naked all the time, he is like a one year old child who is difficult to put on a diaper, he is a porn actor being naked is his profession Why did he get so many logo tattoos of famous brands, rent advertising on his face, he is unemployed, but he rarely goes out The guy says what does my nudity mean, this is punishment from heaven You see what happens when I rarely masturbate a dick, I get lonely, and I start to massively send out photos of the penis to everyone, I turn away and cry, I can’t stop I want to show all the girls in the world a photo of the penis, no one will remember you, but your penis, unlike you celebrities, spare their eyes, they will have to wash their eyes to forget this, and I want everyone to know and remember him, he cries even more, he turned sad crying eyes, and his lips are trembling, dogs have fucking pillows, and we will buy you cool sex doll It got worse for me, the plot twists like a joint with a dope head inside, rather unscrews like the last nut of a beam How do I make a flat nose, try facesitting, let him jump Boxing champion, fifty wins Fifty knockouts, a boxer named a psychologist, a boxer is a shrink, returning from the other world after a knockout is different Demand justice from a woman, still pull out grenades for a chick, at the same time fifteen more chicks, other chicks, are kept in a chain, and they will make a chick chick between your legs Living with a fat guy like you sucks, mom, he's sucking his boobs again I'm a womanizer and my penis doesn't need a muzzle It's that herpes from all over the city, everyone probably keeps a special memory, oh come on, bubbles on the penis give additional pleasure, hey where did you go, all encrusted with herpes What did you say, I will make semolina porridge out of you, you will be soft and tender, like an old man who has been steaming in a sauna I have a problem's. And what position are you in now, are you top or bottom Well, how is he in bed, to be honest, so-so, your dear honesty hurts Economy crashing like your wife's saggy boobs all milk sucked He looks at her like a truck with pies, I understand him, her pies are what you need, my sparkling compliments to the cook in heaven Read lips, fu, reading Author: Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

jokes I hope there is no electric chair in prison, that my hair will be ruined. I don't want to look like a rock musician in the morgue. Penis and wit work like yin and yang, which is why humanity continues to multiply. I can’t go back to this family, they don’t have body hair, and they smile all the time, as if they went to the dolphinarium. Maybe you can explain this to your wife, straight to the crematorium, or her mom in the terrarium. Hit the barrel safety, she's married. The inscription on the fart pillow: the big bang theory. And how you managed to marry her, her girlfriend at the wedding, advised me to unbutton a couple of bra buttons, a pull-up bra, you can not explain further. This is not a mattress, this is my husband. In depression, you seize stress, then grease the corners to crawl through the door, you create claustrophobia in people. Technological ideas Miracle pants, vibration impulses help to feel an infinite number of partners in their bodies and genitals, and a helmet to see them, for example, for a guy with girls, he has a billion girls online, he is now having sex simultaneously with a billion girls and women around the world. He feels them all. The same option for girls. The global sex internet network can connect all of humanity. This ray gun acts like a via gra, that is, an erection will be under any conditions, it can last for a week, a month, a year, there are modes. Sex is like a race, the one who was used will come to the finish line second. Why is the gesture of the middle finger depicted on the coffin, because he was lonely. Girls are fascinated by the face of a guy, yours acts like ammonia from fainting, like garlic for a vampire, like I don’t eat that, but I already understood. Wages in Kazakhstan are like grocery shopping, a chocolate bar costs more than some juices, something that should cost less costs more (prestigious, but humiliating). Have you seen her claws? Are you afraid of dying from a slap or a tickle. Driving lessons for women. The penis is like a gearbox to achieve goals. See, she has a driver's license, full rights to his finances. He breathes so hard when he talks, I'm afraid he'll blow me out. Creation? This is when you make a sandwich, remix flavors, feel like a DJ. Yes? And you need a selfie stick to take a picture of your face. Don't worry, you'll find your girlfriend. You heard your baby said that I was a poop, well, she's small, yes, and your second daughter said that my face is a scribble-balyaka, well, you shouldn't have gone to boxing. Oh, the administration is you, I always confuse you with a toilet Why is my head hurting again? The memory disk is full of stupidity. Alco temptation tester With age, you shrink with a flag on your head so as not to be crushed What is it like to have insanity? Like a lettuce vinaigrette made of drugs, everything is slow-mo, you're in the middle of teddy bears Well, how do you like sex with her, he says after me everything hurt, I could not unzip Kamasutra with your wallet How can I stop loving her? Chemical castration Why do you have a drug lord written over your vagina to get hooked, have a sex addiction and bring a salary from work The inscription on the fart pillow the big bang theory big badda boom Chattering jaws on the floor from the joke shop, your wife's girlfriends are chatting, envious piranhas want to snatch a piece Why do you have a piggy bank written over your vagina? you know You gave your ex-girlfriend ten thousand dollars? Here she will be surprised when she sees in the exchanger that they are souvenirs from a joke shop. There was nothing to throw me How to find a girlfriend? And what do the aikyu scales show. Like the scales of love You wear dark glasses all the time, you hide your emotions, glasses. You lost your pride in cards Why fat people like to be photographed next to a large poison, for them it's food porn You bit the poor girl, I'm sorry, just the food was on her naked body, I was hungry Are you overdoing, overdoing? He wanted to say distort. Young people learn the language of politeness. Well, your son is overdoing it again. Well, you see they have a happy marriage, she also has a diploma in a trainer psychologist. But he jumps into bed with the overtone of ale op. Pre-wedding depression. Come on, you will rewind most of your life, from the comfort zone to the strict regime zone. Your left hemisphere is very smooth like a trampoline. Economic recovery, but like an erection, an economic riser. Author: Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

jokes Prostitutes are like ordering pizza at home Aphorisms You are beaten half to death with jokes of fate. jokes Tell the tall man don't hit the electric wires An angry wife is waiting for a drunken husband, the clouds are gathering Reason to break up with a lunatic girl: Putting a knife to her throat, she said to me: Last time I ask where Superman is Poems: A beautiful albino girl. (Yes, I like albino girls) Sublime feelings of the poetry of love, every second is like an eternity of pleasure, the queen of erotic dreams, the mistress of my heart, bottomless love, erotic magnetism, and life is not enough to enjoy your company, like the lyrics of a flute, like an echo of the eternity of love, your kisses will resurrect my soul, your face I will search in dreams, in all lives, in all worlds, only those times are beautiful in which you were, the erection of love, the extraordinary greatness of beauty, the attraction of sincerity of passion, juicy beauty, your image is a gentle temptation, like silk, a magnetic field of passion, life priceless in your arms in your touching caress, regal beauty, one second is sweeter than another, I can’t tear myself away from you, the luxury of aesthetics, in the juicy sensations of love, burning love, you are touching the sound of the violin to tears, the sound of sincerity and lyrics, the most subtle feelings in sound, the sound of life itself, my heart idolizes you. Aphorisms Emotional gourmands, people lost in denial, oases of self-deception landscapes of illusion, wormholes of the cosmos of insight are selfless nobility, sleeping pills of illusion, a grandiose paradise of vices, the city is a technocracy of ego, a robotic paradise of illusions, where everything is done mechanically even feelings are an imitation of hypocritical theater, robotic undead , loneliness in the emptiness of truth, we are shadows in the fog of illusions, poisonous toys of temptations, abundance confuses us. Author: Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

jokes T-shirt with a large boot print on the front of the body, someone stepped on you. You're such an old cable, you're crumbling all over, you don't even need cremation. You need tape and glue. You are like a vase in cracks. Chuk-tuguduk-tuguduk-tuk-chuk-tuduguk-tuduguk-tuk, this is not a rap beat, (depicts as if riding a horse), what am I portraying? This is Kazakh sex, the pose of a rider, well, admit it, who had chuk-tuguduk yesterday. Poetry You are an erotic paradise, juicy tropical exoticism, the most erotic masterpiece in the world. Lustful passion for you alone, like a hot juice of orgasm, a hot moan of pleasure, sweet temptation of lust, roasting with passion, the more I look at you, the happier I become, your beauty radiates tons of sex, you are infinitely beautiful happiness, like gentle erotica, you are more beautiful reality, like gentle erotica, sensual aesthetics, incredibly falling in love, your beauty subdues, the infinite grandeur of romance in the soul, an unattainable level of beauty, poetic seduction, trembling in body and soul from passion in love, a geyser of lust passes through me, your mere presence increases the pleasure of the body at a billion percent per second, a hot moan of pleasure. Aphorisms Clock hands as a landmark of awareness. Chaos creates sincerity, a lot of priceless seconds of life, filled with sensitive, touching moments of sentimentality. Anger is an orchestra of provocations. Time intensifies and accelerates the madness of mankind. Author: Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

jokes You rarely brush your teeth, the acidity in your mouth rises and you can spit acid like a reptile. Spermotoxicosis bells ring (eggs). It's not a bra, it's a posture corrector. How many guys surrounded the guy and his girlfriend, the guy hit himself with his own shocker, the girl gives her handbag, girl: well, what should I do with you, next time she is a charge of a shocker, go ahead Rambo. Populism and reforms are a toast, nothing will come true. Poems My heart raves about you, inexhaustible attraction, you are a beautiful eternity in my dreams, you are the foundation of my happiness, my tenderness will heal your wounds, love for you is a dogma of the heart, tears of sincerity of the violin, and touching piano notes, separation of suffering is a cello, cymbals of insight of love , flashes of passion, deepen love, I recognize in you infinite beauty, bottomless love, you are the infinite power of orgasm, pleasure, one second is like an eternity of memory pleasure, you are a tattoo in my subconscious, in my dreams, three times of endless love: dreams of you are the future, the present is love, the past is the nostalgia of eternal fidelity. Aphorisms Like a ghost that passes through all the abomination of this world, devoid of illusions, the radiance of emptiness, the dramatic puzzles of selfishness, the colorful palette of atmospheres of memories is the basis of the picture of the world, merging with eternity, to know its infinite wisdom, reincarnation around the cosmic axis, love is a relationship of energies, illusions give insensibility and cloying, virtuality is happiness in self-deception, digital illusions. Populism is a monopoly of manipulation. Author: Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

jokes you smell like cadaverous mothballs of pride your wife said you cum at supersonic speed chel boils (fumes and screams), do not look at me, I did not participate in his conception. The woman says: rub this rich man's personal belongings like a magic lamp of onanism, and the rich man will fulfill all your desires, from a fur coat to a house. Stop vacuuming heroin with your nose, I decided to powder my brain Honey, come to my place, my bar is open all night, my mojito is ready Your wife's boobs look like crumpled soda cans Bachelor's pillow, tears, saliva, and sperm, screams come from it, probably screams at night You pump the press, and the next day like a turtle Your thoughts need tick tock What makes you run faster towards the goal, doberman running after you She talks and says, when will condoms for the ears be invented, or a hearing aid, on the contrary, will make you deaf and happy Finally, the Kazakh character appeared in the fighting game, instead of blood, all the extra tea is poured out, and he can be resurrected by pull from the other world, he let the snake in thousand tenge, he has a tenge life line, the tenge overcut has fallen, tomorrow I will give it back, his fatality, he fraternally loaded his opponent with his work and rewrote the credit for him Inflation is a barrel at the temple He found his wife's spy camera and stuck it in the toilet, now she's ashamed and she can't take it away It's not a black eye, it's a superhero mask This balabol is so rubbery that it can pull one thing until death What super power would you like? Endless erection so that the penis emits sex signals for girls for several thousand kilometers He slept with an opera singer, I still collect broken glasses, he is still deaf This gamer played on the joystick all day (had sex with a girl), her buttons are what you need, big, juicy, combo did caress and fuck, they moved to the next level of sex games, look how hard the fingers are You bake me before sex, I’m already baked, you don’t want corners, and you are a pastry chef, of course, even the bio clock has a timer like an oven I sing so much I open my mouth so wide that my mouth hurts, a guy runs in: what makes his mouth hurt News like a gum machine, chew it all day Do you like to read books? Yes, you are a reader. I am a reader, not a reader. Reader gets a little angry. Vibration alarm clock butt plug at five thirty in the morning, with fun music, so she wakes herself up in the morning, she gets up early God, what erotic poems, just a poem written with sperm, only a short one, apparently the sperm is over, I finished everything here with delight He thinks slowly like a Bengali internet Your old man is like chewed gum During rush hour there is not even a place to fart. Why, shut up with something? Rush hour is a bisexual confusion, you can’t understand whose arm and leg, is it a leg? orgy of inevitability, girls are lifted with horny penises to find her friend Somewhere in Mexico, hello, I'm looking for my ex-boyfriend, shows a photo, ahh, lesbian prostitute chiquita, raul call chiquita, it seems she woke up from heroin, if you give five bucks chiquita will show her huge boobs, she woke up, chiquita told me what from where then the Eurasian continent, left because of the crisis, made herself chiki chiki and called herself chikita, chikita comes out with a cigarette, raul stop touching me, I only love girls, hello dear, or rather, what is left of you, chikita today is snapped up by girls, m - Yes, all the tickets are sold out, honey, take a ticket, there is a scoreboard and seats, play station, I will serve you Physics of anger, one jumps, the other jumps up (trampoline) When a girl leaves a guy, she meets with him to see him in the eyes, it's just that it's not so funny on the phone, the feelings are not the same Your beauty is like a juicy burger for a fat man Sex with a bbw, I was run over by a truck, sex with a muscular girl, I asked for sex, not wrestling, sex skinny, it was like I was in a cemetery playing with bones He pisses me off like he's pressing on my bladder How skinny how she turns me on, I'd gnaw on those bones You hug a big pillow at night, and you think, no, now it’s like I’m on a motorcycle, and fall asleep, in a dream you are on a motorcycle, which is a motorcycle talking wife, you sleep on it, and you eat at high speed and she says, you don’t again brought a salary, and that girl from a parallel office, you sleep with her, no, I only want to fuck your gas tank, I swear if you sleep with her I will break us both, and you wake up with the words I want to fuck only your gas tank Check like a virgin, no money back Author: Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

jokes Your slanting eye looked at everything in it, photographed everything, a spy camera. The most romantic gift a man gives a woman is brushing her teeth, taking a shower, and wearing perfume. Inflation is rising, your penis is sleeping so soundly, it is in suspended animation, girls are very rarely interested in you. Brought the guy to tears, put a roar on the ringtone. Poems Love sex slave, ready to serve and idolize an infinitely beautiful girl, like a stone knowing eternity, my love for you only grows stronger, erotic massage of seduction, your body is a confectionery, billions of tons and light years, and for eternities, the pleasure of being with you increases with every second, powerful energy of love pierces me. Aphorisms The darkness of indifference, illuminated by the neon of egoism, healed in the dawn, her infinite wisdom, the greatness of light, the accumulation of life as a turbulent stream of the river of life, the poetry of intuition, a special sense of the world. Monsters of time surround people, the architecture of the illusion of spatial dimension, deepening of self-deception, a karmic dead end in the labyrinth of self-deception, chaos is a laboratory for the synthesis of cosmic matter and genes, in the quantum vacuum of an incubator of maturation in a micro-evolutionary space, giving birth to new times, epochs, this is a temporary mood, it is the mood that writes history, life is a labyrinth of desires, tenderness is the basis of love, a lonely traveler of eternity, through eternity which will give answers to everything, a cocoon of pain gives rise to an illusion, out of time you will comprehend the whole truth, weak immunity of naivety. Author: Musin Almat Zhumabekovich

jokes Your wife's anger will cremate you, you will become fertilizer for her houseplants. Loyalty is when a leash with an electric shocker, it is also spinning time. The high of loneliness is when food and masturbation are yin and yang, and TV shows are the golden mean between them. Vagina reception clock for sex, with reverse timing. Menses detonator. Aphorisms The future will be too beautiful a lie, a highly detailed illusion. The body is like a cigarette of fate, most of the body and soul turns into ashes. Philosophy is sleeplessness from illusions. You lose your fear if you start feeling sexual attraction to him. Consciousness is sprayed into atoms, and you return to the light, seeing in everything that you saw nonsense. Chains of meanings of life in different rebirths as a thread of the value of eternity, utopia in the imagination, prosaic sculptures of metaphors, as emerging secrets of the subconscious in the form of insight, utopia of illusory emptiness, Poetry I enjoy your supreme beauty, the unattainable greatness of beauty, my heart is overflowing with libido, peering into your infinitely deep beauty, you are eternal lust, you are from the molecules of seduction, each molecule is a masterpiece, a bottomless fall in love, picturesque beauty, a brilliant masterpiece of aesthetics, a sweet aphrodosiac, to so beautiful that you seem to be a figment of the imagination, you are a collective image of spicy passion, unattainably beautiful, hipper sexy, hipper realistic feeling of love, I have been waiting and will wait for you all my life, tenderness like the tenderness of a violin melody leading to the highest dimension of love, in my heart we are forever we will dance the waltz, my heart of the safe will be only your image and a cassette with memories of you, in your lips I feel the heavenly taste of love, the heat of passion heats all my nerves and cells, the energy of love penetrates into the soul, I love you rekashetno, you are the hottest, the sweetest, obsessive love only intensifies, one second with you is happier than the next, the epic euphoria of ro mantics, the echo of love from the depths of the subconscious, like the singing of a siren, juicy to no limit, there is no end to adoration, you are a masterpiece of my lust, an irresistible attraction in unconscious passion leading to you, I am ready to fight for your heart all my life, love goes into the subconscious , piercing the soul with a ray of love, you are the heart of the universe of love, I look at you with appetite, you can be looked at around the clock. Author: Musin Almat Zhumabekovich