All sorts of bodily diseases are produced by half-used minds. George Bernard Shaw More Quotes by George Bernard Shaw More Quotes From George Bernard Shaw Just do what must be done. This may not be happiness, but it is greatness. George Bernard Shaw greatness happy happiness Don't wait for the right opportunity: create it. George Bernard Shaw waiting opportunity Being a mother means that your heart is no longer yours; it wanders wherever your children do George Bernard Shaw mother pregnancy children A cigarette is a pinch of tobacco rolled in paper with fire at one end and a fool at the other. George Bernard Shaw humor paper fire The things most people want to know about are usually none of their business. George Bernard Shaw gossip people knowledge The secret to success is to offend the greatest number of people. George Bernard Shaw congratulations work funny Most people do not pray; they only beg. George Bernard Shaw prayer people religion The possibilities are numerous once we decide to act and not react. George Bernard Shaw decision-making leadership action Silence is the most perfect expression of scorn. George Bernard Shaw silence expression perfect A socialist is somebody who doesn't have anything, and is ready to divide it up equally among everybody. George Bernard Shaw debt socialism humor The only time my education was interrupted was when I was in school. George Bernard Shaw senior time funny Our lives are shaped not as much by our experiences as by our expectations. George Bernard Shaw our-lives expectations Take care to get what you like or you will be forced to like what you get. George Bernard Shaw ireland-and-the-irish care life Marx's Kapital is not a treatise on socialism; it is a gerrymand against the bourgeoisie. It was supposed to be written for the working class, but the working man respects the bourgeoisie and wants to be a bourgeoisie. Marx never got a hold of him for a moment. It was the revolting sons of the bourgeoisie itself, like myself, that painted the flag red. The middle and upper classes are the revolutionary element in society. The proletariat is the conservative element. George Bernard Shaw class men son Now that we have learned to fly the air like birds, swim under water like fish, we lack one thing - to learn to live on earth as human beings. George Bernard Shaw air bird water Dancing is a perpendicular expression of a horizontal desire. George Bernard Shaw funny-sex sexy dance The trouble with her is that she lacks the power of conversation but not the power of speech. George Bernard Shaw communication sarcastic funny Alcohol is the anesthesia by which we endure the operation of life. George Bernard Shaw drinking life funny The person I miss most is the one I could have been. George Bernard Shaw could-have-been persons missing Life is a first draft... with NO rewrite. George Bernard Shaw wisdom life-is firsts