If people behaved in the same way nations do they would all be put in straitjackets. Tennessee Williams More Quotes by Tennessee Williams More Quotes From Tennessee Williams There is a time for departure even when there's no certain place to go. Tennessee Williams inspirationallovelife What is straight? A line can be straight, or a street, but the human heart, oh, no, it's curved like a road through mountains. Tennessee Williams lgbt-communitygayheart There comes a time when you look into the mirror and you realize that what you see is all that you will ever be. And then you accept it. Or you kill yourself. Or you stop looking in mirrors. Tennessee Williams vanitymirrorssuicide There are no 'good' or 'bad' people. Some are a little better or a little worse, but all are activated more by misunderstanding than malice. A blindness to what is going on in each other's hearts. Tennessee Williams heartlittlespeople Friends are God's way of apologizing to us for our families Tennessee Williams our-familyapologizingway Don't look forward to the day you stop suffering, because when it comes you'll know you're dead. Tennessee Williams world-sufferinghumorfunny In memory everything seems to happen to music. Tennessee Williams menageriemusicmemories All cruel people describe themselves as paragons of frankness. Tennessee Williams honestytruthpeople The object of art is to make eternal the desperately fleeting moment. Tennessee Williams fleetingmomentsart I have always been more interested in creating a character that contains something crippled. I think nearly all of us have some kind of defect. Tennessee Williams creatingcharacterthinking You can be young without money but you can't be old without it. Tennessee Williams motivationallifefunny At the age of fourteen I discovered writing as an escape from a world of reality in which I felt acutely uncomfortable. Tennessee Williams agewritingreality A prayer for the wild at heart kept in cages. Tennessee Williams cagesprayerheart I don't want realism. I want magic! Tennessee Williams magicwantdesire America has only three cities: New York, San Francisco, and New Orleans. Everywhere else is Cleveland. Tennessee Williams new-orleanscitiesnew-york Physical beauty is passing - a transitory possession - but beauty of the mind, richness of the spirit, tenderness of the heart - I have all these things - aren't taken away but grow! Increase with the years! Tennessee Williams takenheartyears The scene is memory and is therefore nonrealistic. Memory takes a lot of poetic license. It omits some details; others are exaggerated, according to the emotional value of the articles it touches, for memory is seated predominantly in the heart. Tennessee Williams emotionalheartmemories Don't you just love these long rainy afternoons in New Orleans when an hour isn't just an hour — but a little bit of eternity dropped in your hands — and who knows what to do with it? Tennessee Williams new-orleanslonghands Vanity, fear, desire, competition - all such distortions within our own egos - condition our vision of those in relation to us. Add to those distortions to our own egos the corresponding distortions in the egos of others, and you see how cloudy the glass must become through which we look at each other. Tennessee Williams vanitycompetitionglasses The only thing worse than a liar is a liar that's also a hypocrite! Tennessee Williams hypocriteliarslying