If you're billed as a comedian, people will accept anything you say as light-hearted and not with intent behind it. Megan Fox More Quotes by Megan Fox More Quotes From Megan Fox I've learned that being a celebrity is like being a sacrificial lamb. At some point, no matter how high the pedestal that they put you on, they're going to tear you down. Megan Fox pedestallambstears If your idea of a role model is somebody who's gonna preach to your kids that sex before marriage is wrong and cursing is wrong and women should be this and be that, then I'm not a role model. But if you want your girls to feel strong and intelligent and be outspoken and fight for what they think is right, then I want to be that type of role model, yeah. Megan Fox girlstrongfunny My sense of humor doesn't translate well into print, some of the things I say can be offensive or found offensive even though I don't mean them that way. So I have been told to try and censor myself here and there. I'm trying, but I'm not really succeeding at it. Megan Fox here-and-theretryingmean When you think about it, we actors are kind of prostitutes. We get paid to feign attraction and love. Other people are paying to watch us kissing someone, touching someone, doing things people in a normal monogamous relationship would never do with anyone who's not their partner. It's really kind of gross. Megan Fox kissingpeoplethinking You want to go to work with people you like and where everyone is having fun. Megan Fox having-funfunpeople I have a mouth and I'm not afraid to use it. Megan Fox not-afraidusemouths Being in relationship is not living in a fantasyland and don`t think that everything's going to be perfect all the time. You will go through phases where you're just not getting along. You're not communicating well. That's going to happen, and it's going to feel impossible to you sometimes. It might not even make sense to you sometimes. Arguments are normal. You have to be patient and sit through that and remember that this is a part of human communication and interaction. You're going to have these conflicts with anyone. It's not necessarily just that person. Megan Fox communicationperfectthinking I have no friends and I never leave my house. You just have to make a choice to just refuse to be involved with things that could get you in trouble. It's easy when you feel upset or depressed about something to want to go to a club and want to drink, but instead I just force myself to sit and feel it and deal with it, and try to grow from it, because I don't want to go down that path. I'm one of the most isolated people in existence right now, but it's worth it because if I wasn't making that decision I would be throwing away my career. Megan Fox careerschoicespeople I honestly don't think that I am cool enough or important enough that anyone would care about what I am doing at all hours of the day like "I just had a latte from Starbucks and now I am going to Barney's. Love me some shoes! Megan Fox shoesimportantthinking When you become a celebrity, the world owns you and your image. Megan Fox world Real crime-beat investigative journalism does seem to be really dwindling, especially in this age with everything being centered around iPhones. Everyone's a journalist today, essentially. Every pedestrian on the street has the potential of capturing a big story on their mobile device and then selling it and making a lot of money. Megan Fox iphonerealage Every time I leave the house or we go anywhere, there is a paranoia. We always have to watch for specific cars and specific signs that we're being photographed. Megan Fox carhousewatches I have to really enjoy someone's personality, not just their looks, before I'll kiss them. Megan Fox kissingpersonalitylooks I need to behave in a way that will cause people to take me seriously. Megan Fox peoplewayneeds So much of what I say gets sensationalized and journalists have to report on scandal because that's what people are hungry to read about. Megan Fox hungryscandalpeople Sarcasm doesn't translate in print at all. Megan Fox printsarcasmsarcastic I've never been a big believer in formal education. Megan Fox formalbigsfunny If I ever lose a role because of my tattoos, I'll quit Hollywood and go to work at Costco. Megan Fox hollywoodtattooroles I still like the run and gun action movies and how truly dangerous it can be to make these films. Megan Fox gunactionrunning I find that it's easier to disguise yourself when you go to Florida or places like that, because no one is expecting to see a celebrity there. When you throw on a hat and glasses, no one really looks at you twice - because why would you be in Florida? People just assume that if you're famous, you're in Hollywood. Megan Fox floridaglassespeople