The Roman Empire controlled the world because it could build roads . . . the British Empire was dominant because it had ships. In the air age we were powerful because we had airplaines. Now the Communists have established a foothold in outer space. Lyndon B. Johnson More Quotes by Lyndon B. Johnson More Quotes From Lyndon B. Johnson If two men agree on everything, you may be sure that one of them is doing the thinking. Lyndon B. Johnson patriotic humorous men Every man has a right to a Saturday night bath. Lyndon B. Johnson weekend friday sunday Heck by the time a man scratches his behind, clears his throat, and tells me how smart he is, we've already wasted fifteen minutes. Lyndon B. Johnson smart time funny At times history and fate meet at a single time in a single place to shape a turning point in man's unending search for freedom. Lyndon B. Johnson fate shapes men The CIA is made up of boys whose families sent them to Princeton but wouldn't let them into the family brokerage business. Lyndon B. Johnson princeton made boys ...International education cannot be the work of one country. It is the responsibility and promise of all nations. It calls for free exchange and full collaboration...The knowledge of our citizens is one treasure which grows only when it is shared. Lyndon B. Johnson presidential responsibility country One hundred years ago, the slave was freed. One hundred years later, the Negro remains in bondage to the color of his skin. Lyndon B. Johnson color skins years 'If you let a bully come in and chase you out of your front yard, he'll be on your porch and the next day he'll rape your wife in your own bed. Lyndon B. Johnson next-day bully wife If we are to live together in peace, we must come to know each other better. Lyndon B. Johnson understanding together peace 'All men are created equal', 'government by consent of the governed', 'give me liberty or give me death'. Well, those are not just clever words, or those are not just empty theories. Lyndon B. Johnson clever motivational inspirational In my state, on the basis of the separate but equal doctrine, we have made enormous strides over the years in the education of both races. Personally, I think it would have been sounder judgment to allow that progress to continue through the process of natural evolution. However, there is no point crying about spilt milk. Lyndon B. Johnson equality education thinking Sometimes among our more sophisticated, self-styled intellectuals--and I say self-styled advisedly; the real intellectual I am notsure would ever feel this way--some of them are more concerned with appearance than they are with achievement. They are more concerned with style then they are with mortar, brick and concrete. They are more concerned with trivia and the superficial than they are with the things that have really built America. Lyndon B. Johnson real self america Art is a nation's most precious heritage. For it is in our works of art that we reveal to ourselves and to others the inner vision which guides us as a nation. And where there is no vision, the people perish. Lyndon B. Johnson carpe-diem people art We are not about to send American boys 9 or 10 thousand miles away from home to do what Asian boys ought to be doing for themselves. Lyndon B. Johnson asian home boys Just like the Alamo, somebody damn well needed to go to their aid. Well, by God, I'm going to Viet Nam's aid! Lyndon B. Johnson alamo aids damn Republicans simply don't know how to manage the economy. Lyndon B. Johnson economy know-how republican Four. That's what I want you to remember. If you don't get your idea across in the first four minutes, you won't do it. Four sentences to a paragraph. Four letters to a word. The most important words in the English language all have four letters. Home. Love. Food. Land. Peace. . .I know peace has five letters, but any damn fool knows it should have four. Lyndon B. Johnson land should-have home Hug your friends tight, but your enemies tighter ? hug ?em so tight they can?t wiggle. Lyndon B. Johnson hug ems enemy But if future generations are to remember us more with gratitude than with sorrow, we must achieve more than just the miracles of technology. We must also leave them a glimpse of the world as God really made it, not just as it looked when we got through with it. Lyndon B. Johnson gratitude patriotic nature No national sovereignty rules in outer space. Those who venture there go as envoys of the entire human race. Their quest, therefore, must be for all mankind, and what they find should belong to all mankind. Lyndon B. Johnson quests space race