The senior wizard in a world of magic had the same prospects of long-term employment as a pogo stick tester in a minefield. Terry Pratchett More Quotes by Terry Pratchett More Quotes From Terry Pratchett William: "I'm sure we can all pull together, sir." Vetinari: "Oh, I do hope not. Pulling together is the aim of despotism and tyranny. Free men pull in all kinds of directions. Terry Pratchett cooperationtogethermen The entire universe has been neatly divided into things to (a) mate with, (b) eat, (c) run away from, and (d) rocks. Terry Pratchett rocksrunningfunny You can’t say ‘if this didn’t happen then that would have happened’ because you don’t know everything that might have happened. You might think something’d be good, but for all you know it could have turned out horrible. You can’t say ‘If only I’d…’ because you could be wishing for anything. The point is, you’ll never know. You’ve gone past. So there’s no use thinking about it. Terry Pratchett wishpastthinking If you want to change a whole people, then you start with the girls. It stands to reason: they learn faster, and they pass on what they learn to their children. Terry Pratchett girlchildrenpeople Books must be treated with respect, we feel that in our bones, because words have power. Bring enough words together they can bend space and time. Terry Pratchett spacetogetherbook Over the centuries, mankind has tried many ways of combating the forces of evil... prayer, fasting, good works and so on. Up until Doom, no one seemed to have thought about the double-barrel shotgun. Eat leaden death, demon... Terry Pratchett fateprayerevil You did something because it had always been done, and the explanation was, ‘But we’ve always done it this way.’ A million dead people can’t have been wrong, can they? Terry Pratchett donepeopleway People think that stories are shaped by people. In fact, it's the other way around. Terry Pratchett storiespeoplethinking You get a wonderful view from the point of no return. Terry Pratchett returnviewswonderful Last hopeless chances have got to work. Nothing makes sense otherwise. You might as well not be alive. Terry Pratchett lastsalivemight Chaos is found in greatest abundance wherever order is being sought. It always defeats order, because it is better organized. Terry Pratchett chaosdefeatorder The universe, they said, depended for its operation on the balance of four forces which they identified as charm, persuasion, uncertainty and bloody-mindedness. Terry Pratchett persuasionbalancefour If you are going to write, say, fantasy - stop reading fantasy. You've already read too much. Read other things; read westerns, read history, read anything that seems interesting, because if you only read fantasy and then you start to write fantasy, all you're going to do is recycle the same old stuff and move it around a bit. Terry Pratchett readingwritingmoving Divide by cucumber error. Please reinstall universe and reboot. Terry Pratchett discworldcucumberserrors In ancient times cats were worshiped as gods; they have not forgotten this. Terry Pratchett catmotivationalinspirational All I am really promoting in the books is the Golden Rule, which I hope everybody knows to be "do as you would be done by." It has one or 2 flaws, but it is a good soundbite. Evil starts when you treat other people as things. There are perhaps worse crimes, but they begin when you treat other people as things. Terry Pratchett evilbookpeople Let grammar, punctuation, and spelling into your life! Even the most energetic and wonderful mess has to be turned into sentences. Terry Pratchett punctuationwritingwonderful Mind you, the Elizabethans had so many words for the female genitals that it is quite hard to speak a sentence of modern English without inadvertently mentioning at least three of them. Terry Pratchett femalethreemind This isn't life in the fast lane, it's life in the oncoming traffic. Terry Pratchett fast-lanetrafficlanes I was merely endeavoring to indicate that if we do not grab events by the collar they will have us by the throat. -Lord Vetinari Terry Pratchett vetinarieventslord