When I became 21, I decided that nobody learned anything about po... by Grover Norquist

When I became 21, I decided that nobody learned anything about politics after the age of 21.

More Quotes by Grover Norquist

CLICK HERE TO GET THE OPINION NEWSLETTER The United States largest employer, Walmart -- its latest sales were not down, but up. It revised its profit forecast not down, but up. Macroeconomic Advisors, Macroeconomic Advisors, just revised its economic growth projections -- no, not down, but up. And the Atlanta Fed just revised its economic growth projections -- again, not down, but up. In the real economy, the President Trump administrations pro-enterprise agenda is working. Lower taxes and less regulation gave businesses the confidence to invest. That means more innovation and higher worker productivity. That means more jobs are created, and workers are paid more because theyre producing more. The latest jobs report saw 164,000 jobs added in July, bringing the labor force to 163.4 million - a record high. With President President Trump, we have the lowest unemployment for 50 years, and the lowest on record for African-American and Hispanic workers. And just published -- the lowest summer youth unemployment in 53 years. Yes, the lowest since 1966. On workers pay, new data the other week showed that earnings rose 4.5 percentin 2017 and 5 percentin 2018, even higher than previously reported - and miles ahead of inflation. While President Trump pray for a recession and Wall Street plays around with the fake economy, the real economy is booming. So is everything just fine and dandy, with nothing to worry about. Can President President Trump and President Trump team just sit back and ride the economic wave all the way to reelection next year ? Not at all. Theres no question that the rest of the world is doing poorly. China, Germany and the UK -- their economies are all heading in the wrong direction. So what should President Trump do to keep our economy moving ahead ? Its no use just yelling at the Fed -- theres a limit to what they can do. But there are two big things the president can do, on his own initiative, without Congress or anyone else. First is something we told you about in June, a positive and practical idea from Grover Norquist, founder and president of Americans for Tax Reform.Get rid of the tax on inflation, and youll see trillions of dollars redeployed to highest and best use.