Drink today, and drown all sorrow; you shall perhaps not do tomorrow. John Fletcher More Quotes by John Fletcher More Quotes From John Fletcher Deeds, not words shall speak me. John Fletcher communication deeds inspirational We must not be content to be cleansed from sin; we must be filled with the Spirit. John Fletcher holy sin spirit The greatest attribute of heaven is mercy; And 'tis the crown of justice, and the glory John Fletcher crowns justice heaven Corruption is a tree, whose branches are Of an immeasurable length: they spread Ev'rywhere; and the dew that drops from thence Hath infected some chairs and stools of authority. John Fletcher dew branches tree Our acts our angels are, for good or ill, our fatal shadows that walk by us still. John Fletcher shadow ill angel Speak boldly and speak truly, shame the devil. John Fletcher devil speech speak Weep no more, nor sigh, nor groan, John Fletcher sadness sorrow rain Great actions speak great minds. John Fletcher speak mind action The coward's weapon, poison. John Fletcher coward weapons poison I find the medicine worse than the malady. John Fletcher malady medicine Wine works the heart up, wakes the wit; John Fletcher wine fire heart Death hath so many doors to let out life. John Fletcher life-death doors death Of all the forms of wisdom, hindsight is by general consent the least merciful, the most unforgiving. John Fletcher hindsight form wisdom Only look to Jesus. He died for you, died in your place, died under the frowns of heaven, that we might die under its smile. Regard neither unbelief nor doubt. Fear neither sin nor hell. Choose neither life nor death. All these are swallowed up in the immensity of Christ and are triumphed over in His cross. John Fletcher doubt heaven jesus Ask how to live? Write, write, write, anything; The world's a fine believing world, write news. John Fletcher news writing believe Tyranny is yielding to the lust of the governing. John Fletcher governing tyranny lust 'Tis virtue, and not birth that makes us noble: Great actions speak great minds, and such should govern. John Fletcher noble mind action It's impossible to ravish me, I'm so willing. John Fletcher humor impossible funny Go far - too far you cannot, still the farther. The more experience finds you: and go sparing. One meal a week will serve you, and one suit, through all your travels; for you'll find it certain. John Fletcher week suits meals Only look to Jesus. He died for you, died in your place, died under the frowns of heaven, that we might die under its smile. John Fletcher heaven looks jesus