Fall down. Make a mess. Break something occasionally. Know that your mistakes are your own unique way of getting to where you need to be. And remember that the story is never over. Conan O'Brien More Quotes by Conan O'Brien More Quotes From Conan O'Brien I have an abacus at home. Conan O'Brien abacus home Your path at 22 will not necessarily be your path at 32 or 42. Conan O'Brien dartmouth path It's April 15, tax day. The federal tax code is over 74,000 pages long. But stick with it because after page 72,000, it gets really good. Conan O'Brien pages sticks long I can't wait for the Republican debates to start and there's literally 65 guys on one stage. Conan O'Brien republican guy waiting Governor Chris Christie says if he's president, he will crack down on the sale of marijuana. However, that was before he was told it also comes in a brownie. Conan O'Brien marijuana cracks president Being a Dad is the greatest, except for assembling things. Conan O'Brien being-a-dad dad inspirational Thousands of Mexicans gathered in Mexico City to protest high food prices. The protest only lasted an hour, because everyone had to leave for their jobs in Los Angeles Conan O'Brien inspiration cities jobs Fish recognize a bad leader. Conan O'Brien fishes leader fishing Hillary Clinton is trying an entirely different approach with Iowa than the one she tried eight years ago when she lost there. She will not start speeches by saying, 'Hello, Iowa, or Idaho, or whichever one you are.' Conan O'Brien eight idaho years Nobody in life gets exactly what they thought they were going to get. But if you work really hard and you're kind, amazing things will happen. Conan O'Brien high-school-graduation inspiring life Hillary Clinton is making income inequality a central theme in her campaign. Yeah, for example, today she pointed out that her husband makes $300 million a year. She has to get by on $200 million a year, and that's not fair. Conan O'Brien husband example years The U.S. unemployment rate is the lowest it's been in nearly seven years. The job sector that has seen the most growth is in the field of Republican presidential candidates. Conan O'Brien presidential jobs years Today Secretary of State John Kerry visited the small African nation of Djibouti. Or to use the official diplomatic term, he made a Djibouti call. Conan O'Brien states use today The birth certificate of the royal baby lists her parents' occupations as being 'the prince and princess of the United Kingdom.' It says that under occupation, which I guess sounds better than 'unemployed.' Conan O'Brien princess parent baby Over the weekend, Vladimir Putin scored eight goals during a hockey game. It happened just after he had the goalie executed. Conan O'Brien hockey weekend games Sales of George Orwell's 1984 have skyrocketed. It's true. So the fallout from the (NSA spying) scandal is worse than we thought. It's forcing Americans to read. Conan O'Brien nsa scandal politics Some McDonald's restaurants are taking reservations on Valentine's Day. They are getting a lot of tables for one. Conan O'Brien valentine mcdonalds tables Martha Stewart showed up at Manhattan FBI Headquarters to have her finger prints taken and pose for a mug shot. Then Martha explained how to get ink off your fingers using seltzer water and lemon juice. Conan O'Brien lemon-juice taken water This Halloween, the most popular mask is the Arnold Schwarzenegger mask. And the best part? With a mouth full of candy you will sound just like him. Conan O'Brien halloween sound funny There's no cure for getting depressed. There's no cure for self-loathing or periods of it. But figure out enough about it so that when it happens, you can get over it and keep moving and just accomplish more. Conan O'Brien loathing self moving