I’m on a plane, trying to write the thing … trying to provide some relief, you try your best, you try to have your eyes open, try to be so mindful, but it’s also a fast-moving train. I felt like a gymnast who did like a very solid routine and broke her ankle on the landing. Because it’s literally within the last 2-3 sentences of the piece that I chumped it. And I screwed up, and the implication was that I was telling people to give up and not be active and to not fight. That wasnotmy intention, obviously. … I didn’t want anybody to get hurt. … If I had a time machine, I could go back…I would end the piece by saying… ‘Fight them in every way except the way that they want.’ But I didn’t write that in time! I wrote that two days later as I was pacing in my house. It’s painful. I wanted to help, but I chumped it. But the culture of apology is not for me.

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