My job is to go out and entertain the most people possible. Mel Brooks More Quotes by Mel Brooks More Quotes From Mel Brooks I've been accused of vulgarity. I say that's bullshit. Mel Brooks vulgarity-ispsychicsbullshit Hope for the Best. Expect the worst. Life is a play. We're unrehearsed. Mel Brooks playinspirationallife If presidents can't do it to their wives, they do it to their country. Mel Brooks wifepresidentcountry The only thing we don't have a god for is premature ejaculation... but I hear that it's coming quickly. Mel Brooks premature-ejaculationejaculationsex Humor keeps the elderly rolling along, singing a song. When you laugh, its an involuntary explosion of the lungs. The lungs need to replenish themselves with oxygen. So you laugh, you breathe, the blood runs, and everything is circulating. If you dont laugh, youll die. Mel Brooks elderlyrunningsong I don't know what to say so I'll just say what's in my heart...badoom, badoom, badoom. Mel Brooks funny-lifemy-heartheart I don't think in terms of results at all. I think: what next insanity can I shock the world with? Mel Brooks insanityworldthinking Life literally abounds in comedy if you just look around you. Mel Brooks laughterlaughinglooks Feeling different, feeling alienated, feeling persecuted, feeling that the only way to deal with the world is to laugh - because if you don't laugh you're going to cry and never stop crying - that's probably what's responsible for the Jews having developed such a great sense of humor. The people who had the greatest reason to weep, learned more than anyone else how to laugh. Mel Brooks feelingslaughingpeople My favorite expression is: When you go up to the bell, ring it ? or don't go up to the bell. Mel Brooks bellsmy-favoriteexpression Humor is just another defense against the universe. Mel Brooks laughterhumorinspirational Being short never bothered me for three seconds. The rest of the time I wanted to commit suicide. Mel Brooks threesuicidewanted Cat angels are the reason there are no mice angels. Mel Brooks catangelreason Bad taste is simply saying the truth before it should be said. Mel Brooks funny-inspirationaltruthinspiring If God wanted us to fly, He would have given us tickets. Mel Brooks politicsfunnyreligion Everything starts with writing. And then to support your vision, your ideas, your philosophy, your jokes, whatever, you've gotta perform them and/or direct them, or sometimes just produce them. Mel Brooks writingphilosophyideas In real life people fart, in the movies, people don't. Why not? Farts are a repressed minority. The mouth gets to say all kinds of things, but the other place is supposed to keep quiet. But maybe our lower colons have something interesting to say. Maybe we should listen to them. Farts are human, more human than a lot of people I know. I think we should bring them out of the water closet and into the parlor. Mel Brooks realpeoplethinking I knew it... I'm surrounded by assholes! Mel Brooks You got to be brave. If you feel something, you've really got to risk it. Mel Brooks riskbravefeels I was adored [as a kid]. I was always in the air, hurled up and kissed and thrown in the air again. Until I was six, my feet didn't touch the ground. "Look at those eyes! That nose! Those lips! That tooth! Get that child away from me, quick! I'll eat him!" Giving that up was very difficult later on in life. Mel Brooks eyekidschildren